Magyar |
Diagrams |
English |
Currently the following diagrams are available from me on the Internet. Click on the pictures (or the text equivalents)
to download the PDF-file for the individual models. File size infromation is given below the links. If you do not
have it already, download Adobe Acrobat Reader. to be able to read PDF-files. Please note that these diagrams are free only for personal use. For any other kind of usage please ask my permission. Thank you in advance, and happy folding! |
Folder |
Storm-cloud |
Rotor |
Catapult |
22 Kbytes | 48 Kbytes | 110 Kbytes | 28 Kbytes |
Dinosaur |
Flower |
Patterned |
Shield with |
41 Kbytes | 51 Kbytes | 160 Kbytes | 42 Kbytes |